With school around the corner, we decided to go ahead and do a little back to school shopping. It seems to me like when I went back to school as a kid it was a heck of a lot easier! We had maybe a few notebooks and some pencils maybe a new book bag but that was about it, now it just seems a little over the top.
We literally spent 124 dollars on school supplies this year...Now...I will admit that not all of that was "Necessary" stuff.....for example I bought these:
they are little thermos', Liam has been a lunch packer since day 1, he just doesn't seem to like anything that his school offers him for lunch, and I like providing him with healthier options. I have no doubt that Cole will probably be the same way. In addition to the thermos' I bought each of the boys a new lunch bag.
(I apologize for the Elmo plate in the background, I took these pictures right after lunch and we hadn't quite cleaned up yet)
The other splerg item came in the from of star wars pencil cases, to be honest I'm not even sure this meets the requirements for their school list but if they can't use them at school they can bring them home and use them here
Now on to what the HAD to have....I'm not going to write everything down but you will see it is a heck of a lot of stuff!!! You will notice a few items in the middle for Caroline, she will be packing her lunch to go over to grandmas for childcare while I do school work or my WAH job.....
so there it is...My 2016-2017 back to school haul....I want to add here that if you have extra money or supplies you might consider donating to programs like the Salvation Army or Kids in Need Foundation,(or another one if you know of one in your area) that help out families.....I would imagine it would be hard to be the only kid with out a new book bag on the first day of school!!!
Talk to you soon!!!