Thursday, November 30, 2017

Family blog!! Fun with Fall

Hi All,
So this is going to be just a picture heavy blog.  Last Thursday was Thansgiving so we had a family day.  It wasnt a huge deal, Just me, Hubby, Kids and my mom but everyone had a good time and I feel like we need to really soak up these years because they are slipping away fast.

As you can see the boys chose "In leaf pics" and Caroline who is a little more prim and proper chose sitting on top of the leaves wearing her halloween Elsa costume.  Everyone had a fun time and shockingly I did not over eat.  I am currently intermentant fasting trying to lose some of that pesky baby weight that has been hanging around since Caroline was born.  It is going well! Some day I will write a whole blog about the process and let you guys know what it has been like....

Christmas Holidays are fast approaching and I am looking very much forward to what the new year will bring!!! Hopefully many fun surprises to come!!!

Gearing Up for doing a Blog every day of December (I shamelessly stole the name Blogamus from YOUTUBE)  Remember if you have a short peace of fiction, non fiction, fanfiction, what ever (Im not picky) that you would like to have reviewed email me it soon so I can get you on the schedule!!!
Here is my email if you need it


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